Experienced in frontend with over 6 months. I'm part of the camp's website team in the department. Demonstrated talent for frontend web development and cloud computing to optimize online presence. Find out for a job relative to frontend development.
HelloDolphin is a camp for a sophomore(second-year student) to teach a first-year student.
In our camp, we open five sections consisting of Frontend Development, Web Design, Infrastructure, Game Design,
Game Development. So, we developed this website to promote our camp. I'm part of the developer team. There is two responsibility
of mine. First, I must create a Team section component(in the picture) on the website. I must use Nginx as a reverse proxy by
using docker as a container service and generate an SSL Certificate for the website.
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This project is where you are here. I used Tailwind as a CSS framework. I have a resume already but
I think it's not enough for showing my experience so this website was created.
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This project is backend side that was developed by ExpressJs. It's a part of my project's name Answer-Me. I used MERN as a
technology stack that consisting of MongoDB, Express, React, and Nodejs. I created it because I want my camper to use my form instead
of google form.
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This project had created to practice my React skill when I was a newbie on React. To understand
components, props, how to pass props from parent to child, etc. That the reason why I created this as my first project.
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